Thursday, November 11, 2010

November Update

Lots of activity to report- the electrical and plumbing are in, and we're ready for the floor, windows and drywall!

The electrician checks the plan.  Those horizontal wall studs will support the kitchen cabinets.

You can see the office and side door through he new pocket door.

Here is the porch, before the fireplace is installed.  It is beautiful, with tongue in groove floors and ceiling.

And heres the fireplace, ready for installation...

After the electrical work, and ready for insulation

Here's the porch with the finished fireplace.  We opted or a ventless gas insert, so the chimney isn't as tall as originally planned...

And a last photo of the porch- can you tell we LOVE it?

  More photos after the weekend!  Thanks for checking in with us, and for all the good vibes!